Big or Small game hunting
The hunter spots a game animal while hunting in the forest.He raises his rifle or bow and aims,fires and bags the query.Once again the human predator has made a kill.There are over 17 million Americans that hunt some form of wildlife.90 percent of hunters are males,one half of them are quite young,ranging in age from 16 through 34.Half of the hunters have attended college.Most american hunters grew up in a rural or semirural enviroment,and were taught to hunt by their fathers.In the rural enviroment in the past,hunting had a much more acceptance rateing than today,due to the slaughtering of farm animals for food was accepted by all,as it was necessary for human survival.Most americans have never seen a farmer butcher a chicken,hog or beef animal.Many consider the killing of game animals unnecessary and cruel.Around fifty percent of americans oppose hunting.One reason they draw a distinction between the behavior of hunters and wild predators.Wild predators usually take sick,weak,and old animals suffering from disease.The human hunter takes animals that are in prime condition and are trophys.This method can weakon the species.Hunters beleive that since we have eliminated most predators of game animals,the need for hunting by humans is necessary.The problem with this theory is,without animal predation the game population will explode in areas around and in citys,which causes car accidents and the destruction of property.It also causes the size of animals to shrink too their new enviroment.Hunters will say that hunting brings in revenue,by the sale of recreational equipment,which is true.The moral of this story is'Every living creature takes life to stay alive,and if not,it quikly starves and dies an agonizing death'.
Some Advice
Wait in exactly the position you were in when you fired the shot.
Moving prematurely can throw off your line of sign and call into
question an accurate perception of the ground; it may also be a
safety concern if another hunter is nearby and preparing to take a shot.
Make a mental note of where the deer was standing when you
took the shot. Trees become remarkably similar after you have
stared expectantly at them for half an hour.
Let a minimum of 20 minutes pass before leaving your hunting
stand. This period is crucial to remain patient so that the wounded
animal can bed down and bleed to death.
Walk immediately to the area in the woods where the deer
was standing when you fired once the 20 minute period has
Look for tufts of hair and spots of blood where the deer was
standing. Don't expect a great deal of blood at first.
Follow the blood and hoof prints, keeping an eye for spotting
on the branches as high as chest level.
Approach the fallen animal carefully, ensuring it has expired
before you begin handling it for proper field dressing,
completing your hunting trip successfully.
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